The raw salt we produce in Yavşan Saltern;
contains 98% (NaCl) natural salt and is produced by completely natural methods.

  • FOOD It is used in all stages of food industry as industrial and food additive in production stage. It is also indispensable for our kitchens.
  • TEXTILE Yarn, fabric dyeing and water regeneration has a very important area of use.
  • DE-ICING Due to the difficult winter season, it is used as raw salt in the highways and municipalities to fight against severe winter conditions and avoing freezing on roads.
  • LEATHER INDUSTRY Salt is crucial for leather industry.
  • CHEMISTRY In many chemical facilities, including detergent industry; liquid detergent is used in thinning and dishwashers, as well as in large chemical organizations can be used for separation.
  • HEALTH It has an important role in the production of dialysis units and drugs, especially in serum.
  • WATER REGENERATION It is used in water treatment systems and water treatment of large enterprises.
  • FEED INDUSTRY It is used as feed salt in large, small bass animal feed and poultry feed industry.